By:Lydia B.Sefa
 Sanitation at the beach is the proper  maintenance of the beach and its environments.Sanitation at the beach is one important thing that enables people's desire to go to the beach.
If beaches are not kept tidy it effects results in low income in terms of tourism to the country because many tourist love to visit the beaches to have fun, so poor sanitation at the beach can prevent them from attending beaches since it becomes unattractive and it also sends a bad signal of the country's tourist sites  across.

     Polluted water can make one contract diseases like skin diseases, respiratory diseases, water borne diseases like diarrhoea, typhoid etc.
However, fishermen also experience the consequences of bad effects on beach sanitation.As a result of poor beach sanitation fishermen turn to catch plastic wastes from the water instead of fishes which affect the economy as a whole because fishing also generates fund to the country, companies make canned fishes and pay tax to the government so this act also can make them loose their job  because there is no fish to work on.
  Fishes on the other hand gets affected as when waste gets to the gut of a fish it makes it difficult for food digestion and leads to the death of the fish.

       A dead fish having waste in it's stomach
Therefore, measures can be put in place in ensuring proper upkeep of our beach.The position of garbage bins at relevant points can reduce the rate of littering at beaches and building nice washrooms near beaches can reduce the rate of defecations at the beach .Tourist guards also, must be placed at vantage points to make sure no one goes contrary .
 During clean up exercises in the communities, the beach should be taken into consideration and clean that place as often as the community is expected to be clean.Which will contribute in helping the country  get  very attractive and clean beach.

    Sanitation going on at the beach

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