Economic importance of cleaned beaches to ghana

Poor sanitation along the beach pollutes the environment and atmosphere and this inevitably leads to the outbreak of diseases such as cholera,diarrhoea, typhoid, malaria and many other preventable diseases when our beaches are cleaned and unlittered.
Beach polluted by plastic  
Cleaned beaches have lots of benefit especially for a developing country like Ghana and it's economy. The coast in Ghana is one of the most visited environment in the country by both locals and foreigners. Cleaned beaches have allowed for more tourists in the country where they can relax and enjoy themselves once they are in the country. A popular beach environment is the BOJO BEACH.It is located at bortianor close to the densu River delta in Accra.A hotel has been built close to the beach making it a resort.                                                                                                          
BOJO beach
The resort house lots of locals and foreigners which brings alot of revenue to the country. Ghana iso able to earn money into it treasury through visits to the beaches by both locals and    foreigners. This goes a long way to bring development and          improve the quality of our tourism.                                                  
The resort is able to pay their taxes by constant visit to the place which enable them pay their dues to the government  to increase development  for the nation.                                                                  
Far from this by cleaning the beach,  it improves the livelihood of the fishermen and fish mongers as fish is food to many people in the country and provides income for them and the government. There  is the need to ensure hygienic  sanitation conditions at the landing beaches, and fishing communities in general, so that the fishing industry could take advantage out there, in terms of export of fish, and earn incomes for themselves and the country.All governments have failed to make the capital city clean, their efforts were only cosmetic and did not actually yield any benefit due to the lack of infrastructure.

I plead with people to stop the act of defecating on the shores since the beaches hold the potential of attracting tourists and generating income for the communities.

By Edwina Quartey

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